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In every US administration the Americans have always created an arch enemy, a boogyman so as to keep their population entertained and keep the US flag flying over American Indian lands stolen since 1492!

Zaqawi is now that boogyman even though he is dead, he is still being resurrected to be the role of that boogyman so as to give America its so-called RIGHT to bomb, terrorize the World and murder innocent Women and children while its population sleeps and accepts it!Before it was Osama bin laden and before him it was Saddam Hussein and before him it was Col. Ghaddafie and before him it was Yassar Arafat and before him...get the point? All so convenient for the US and the illegal entity called israel on occupied Palestinian lands.


The American arse is wearing the ring: he is the one mentioned as MABUS (BUSH) in Nostradamus prophecies!!Beware!!




Click on here for anti-Bush demostrations in England:


Click here for the World according to BUSH: